January 23, 2016

Tools for Transition Part 4 Available for Purchase


Last Saturday’s workshop through Rise Multiversity entitled “Setting Your Energetic Template for 2016” is now available for purchase from the web site store.  To purchase it, click here.  The tools that you will learn from this particular workshop can be used at any time in the future and not just for the start of this year.  If you didn’t get a chance to participate in the workshop live, I encourage you to listen to the replay. 

Our next “Tools for Transition” workshop will be on February 13th, and will be a follow up of sorts to last week’s presentation.  We will be dealing with recognizing and working with the issues that are buried deep in your subconscious, in other words, your shadow. A very important key to your spiritual evolution involves knowing yourself completely inside and out, and to do that, you must have access to your hidden self.  This next workshop and several more coming up after that one will be assisting you in that endeavor.  More information on that will be forthcoming in a few weeks. 

1 comment:

  1. The workshop was great! It also gave me a great insight.. after I made the lists and burned them I had a mail conversation with someone and he reflected right back at me about what I wrote on the list with positive outcome. I then realised I was confronted with my shadow self, acting out of fear for a health issue. For which I don't fear as my true self, but my shadow self does. I wonder if others are feeling the same.. and it also hit me when I read that the next workshop will be about the shadow/hidden self, that this insight might be pre-work. Wonderful! Thank you Carla for all your work and information.
